-wards - vertaling naar Engels
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-wards - vertaling naar Engels

S.H. Wards & Company; Wards Brewery Company
  • Wards brewery gates, 2006
  • right





court of wards         
  • pages=400–403 }}</ref>
Court of Wards (disambiguation)
[ист.] суд по делам опеки, «сиротский» суд
Wards; Wards (disambiguation); Ward Township; WARD; Ward (disambiguation)
ward 1. noun 1) опека; to be in ward - находиться под опекой 2) опекаемый; подопечный 3) административный район города 4) палата (больничная); камера (тюремная) 5) obs. заключение 6) выступ или выемка (в бородке ключа и в замке) 7) attr. ward round - обход палат (врачом) to keep watch and ward (over) - охранять - watch and ward 2. v. - ward off


¦ suffix variant spelling of -ward.


Wards Brewing Company

Wards Brewing Company was a brewery based at Sheaf Brewery on Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, England, now a subsidiary of Double Maxim Beer Company. The most famous brand produced was Wards Best Bitter.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -wards
1. these old-fashioned wards, those open wards
Victoria Sweet _ Talks at Google
2. on the hospital wards.
Black Man in a White Coat _ Damon Tweedy _ Talks at Google
3. Hospital wards cleared.
Street Spirit - Powerful Protests & Mischief _ Steve Crawshaw _ Talks at Google
4. in the filthy, fetid wards,
5. The hospital wards were cleared.
Street Spirit - Powerful Protests & Mischief _ Steve Crawshaw _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -wards
1. Last November, the bug forced two wards to close, and a second bout last month shut nine wards.
2. During this year, students will survey 5,000 guardians and their wards to ascertain the wards‘ needs, identify their guardians, locate the wards‘ living places (institution or at home) and more.
3. But the fines apply only to delayed discharge from acute wards, not from the rehabilitation wards where bed–blocking mainly occurs.
4. Besides administrative and registration wings, the three–story hospital will have maternity and neonatal wards, a physiotherapy clinic, a blood bank and emergency wards.
5. NHS: Trusts close wards to juggle debts A number of NHS trusts are slashing staff and closing wards in their struggle to bring huge debts under control.